Hunting Terrain
14,000 acres of ranches are uniquely positioned on the edge of the Black Hills. They convert from timbered canyon country to river bottom meadows to sagebrush prairie. Wildlife lives, feeds and reproduces in the greatest abundance on the edge on one environment change to the next. The variety of habitat on the ranches has given them a very highly diversified wildlife population. Mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, turkey, sharp tail grouse, sage hens, geese, ducks, pelicans, eagles, bobcats, coyotes, fox, beaver and prairie dogs, just to name the major species. This allows the hunter to experience a variety of wildlife viewing and hunting and Trout fishing.
Hunting Base Camps
Our two base camps are our ranch's headquarters. We have modern ranch houses that supply both clean and warm housing facilities. Meals are supplied by the wives of our ranch staff which gives you the opportunity to visit with the people who work the ranch. We believe the food is excellent and the only complaint has been that the volume is sometimes too high. Hunting opportunities can and do begin as you step out the door!
The ranches are located off the beaten path. The roads are well maintained and except for extreme weather conditions any two wheel drive outfit can make the trip. Commercial flights are available into Rapid City, SD which is 110 miles away, or Gillette, WY which is 75 miles away. Rental cars are available to complete the trip. Transportation on the ranch is provided by way of four wheel drive pickups (with guided hunts only). Some of the best hunting takes some heavy footwork, but if your age or physical condition doesn't allow this, we can give you very good hunting with very little walking.
In this part of the country, we can have anything from 60 degrees to minus 20 degrees. Conditions range from good dry solid ground to wet muddy ground or slippery snow covered ground. All of these conditions could be experienced in the same five day period. So, you do need to be prepared for everything.
Shooting comes from 30 yards to as far as you can shoot, depending on how much stalking you like or how good a shot you think your are. We have a lot of big open country. Binoculars are essential and spotting scopes darn handy. A good knife makes field dressing your game easier, although we will sure help you out with this work if you so desire.
Our guides are good hunters and good people. They will do their best to help you find your way around the ranch, see some good animals and help plan your hunting strategy. Some hunters like a lot of assistance and some don't. We will try to meet your individual desires. Our combination hunts supply a lot of variety and pretty much fill your day, if you like a lot of activity. You can hunt deer early and late and then hunt antelope and turkey during the midday. Trout fishing, varmint and prairie dog hunting can be added anytime you feel the need for more excitement.
Our success rate is very close to 100% on deer and antelope and turkey, but you do need to be able to hit your target. We don't book very heavy and keep our groups fairly small, in an effort to keep your quality of game and your hunt experience high. If you are interested in the hunts, don't wait too late to book. We can help you with your license application if needed. If you are unsuccessful in the draw, your down payment will be fully refunded.
New at Wyoming Edge Outfitters
The new New Haven Lake is stocked with rainbow trout for the dedicated fisherman or in combination with prairie dog or varmint packages.
more information on our new hunt&fish page